Joana Moya

Joana Moya proposes body activation in Volverse microscópico. How to understand rocks as living systems; 
How to get into its structures, its movement and its time, working through our body and its different scales and possibilities.


Joana Moya (Bilbao, 1985) studies geology and contemporary dance in the Basque Country. Since 2010 he has been working 
with images, incorporating these disciplines in his audiovisual projects. In 2023 he premieres his first short film Todo lo cubre la sal, selected at festivals such as Doclisboa, Zinebi, Málaga, Documenta Madrid, Hot Docs in Toronto and recently acquired by the KIMUAK 2024 Zineuskadi catalogue. With this work she develops a poetic language through the portrait of the nether women of the Basque coast. The link with geology is the seed of his first feature film, “La Koreana, a ferromagnetic poem of light and memory”, a project in development selected by the Matadero Residency Center together with Cineteca, Noka Mentoring (Tabakalera) , Dirdira Lab and Noka Ekoizpena. Originated from a family story, it experiments with the geological time scale, folding, faulting and other transformations to delve into the memory of a mountain.


Les trobades de no-ficció en camp obert, no la pel·lícula.
Los encuentros de no-ficción en campo abierto, no la película.
The non-fiction encounters in the countryside, not the movie.

T-11, KM 0.
Riudoms, Tarragona


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