Estados generales 

Production countries: Perú, Spain
Genre: Experimental, Hybrid, Fiction
Duration : 90 minutes
Format: SUPER 16mm Color
Languages: Spanish
Director: Mauricio Freyre

The journey of a seed begins in the archives of the Botanical Garden of Madrid
and ends in the place where it was collected in colonial times: an Afro-Peruvian village on the southern coast of Peru.

During a two-week stay in March 2024, TASIO, the producer and sound designer of the film 'Estados Generales', embarked on a unique production journey. This involved cataloguing, conceptualization, and sound design, all while engaging in collective viewings of the film and receiving mentoring from local residents. The process was enriched by the presence and advice of Dr. Ana Rodríguez Cruz, a renowned expert in botanical archaeology.


Javi Tasio is an independent sound and film producer. He promotes projects that blur the line between reality and fiction, with a natural tendency towards new languages ​​through sound experimentation, formats and narrative. He combines this activity with his other facets as a sound designer and musician.

As a curator, he promotes meetings and projects around new sound, visual and performative trends that combine artistic and scientific disciplines from the UMMM label.

It is part of the project Esto no es una poesía, of the Paciencia group and of the BRBR collective.

Bio Anna Rodríguez Cruz:

Anna Rodriguez Cruz (Reus, 1977) has a DEA in Prehistory from the URV, ICAC and UAB. archaeologist and specialist in archaeobotany, his research has focused on the analysis of systems
agrarian and the origins of agriculture based on the remains of seeds and fruits from archaeological.

From an ethnographic perspective, his research studies have lent a special attention to the agricultural techniques and rhythms of the past, to the cultivated plants and to the chain operational of agricultural practices (the work of the soil after harvest and the transformation of plant products), the forms and mechanisms of management of plant resources, the
rational exploitation of the different species of plants and the main variations that have been produced in plant nutrition and in agricultural practices and the exploitation of the soils of
cultivation over time.


Les trobades de no-ficció en camp obert, no la pel·lícula.
Los encuentros de no-ficción en campo abierto, no la película.
The non-fiction encounters in the countryside, not the movie.

T-11, KM 0.
Riudoms, Tarragona


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